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PTSD Fillable & printable Processing Workbook Journal, PTSD Fillable pdf download, Trauma/PTSD workbook, Complex Ptsd Counseling workbook Inactive

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If you're struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex PTSD, you may benefit from using this PTSD Fillable & Printable Processing Workbook Journal. This Trauma/PTSD workbook provides a safe and private space for you to process your thoughts and feelings related to your trauma.

The workbook is designed as a counseling tool to help individuals work through the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic experiences. It includes various sections that allow you to explore and process your trauma, such as identifying triggers, managing symptoms, and developing coping strategies.

The Fillable pdf option allows you to fill out the workbook digitally, which is especially convenient if you prefer to work on a computer or tablet. Alternatively, you can choose to print the workbook and fill it out by hand, whichever you prefer.

This PTSD comprehensive workbook contains:


⇒ Section 1. Understand Your Trauma

What Is the Nature Of Your Trauma?

Know Your Symptoms

Monitoring and Ranking Your Symptoms

Ten Most Disturbing Symptoms

Safe Place

⇒ Section 2. Arousal: Understand Your Body

Understanding Arousal

OpWmal Arousal: The Resilience Zone

Hyperarousal Zone

Hypoarousal Zone

Monitoring Your Arousal

Arousal Diary

Finding Your Resilience Zone

Breathing PracWces

Establishing a Daily Breathing PracWce


Slow Movement

Calm Heart

Finding Your Calm Heart

Calming Technique

Progressive Muscle RelaxaWon

⇒ Section 3. Fear of Hallucinations

Understanding HallucinaWons

Reality Check

Monitor Recovery/HallucinaWon Diary

⇒ Section 4. Sleep, Eating, and Sexual Issues

Basic Needs

Sleeping Issues

Normalizing Your Nightmares

EaWng Issues

Sexual Issues

Controlling Your Urges

Think Before You Act

Monitoring Your Cravings


⇒ Section 5. Memory Can Play Tricks On You

IdenWfy Your Memory Problem

Reclaiming Your Life


Stories My Friends Told Me

Places from My Past

Monitoring Your Memory Bugs

⇒ Section 6. Intrusive Thoughts

Understanding Intrusive Thoughts

Keep a Diary

SituaWons and Thoughts

SituaWons and Intrusive Thought Pairs



Triggers, Topics, and ReacWons

My Intrusive Thoughts Pajern

Manage Your Intrusive Thoughts

Develop Clear, RaWonal Thinking

Daily Thought Diary

⇒ Section 7. Emo/ons That Disturb You

Understanding EmoWons

IdenWfy and Name Fikeen Emotions

Understanding Your Emotions When You Are Upset

The Grieving Process

The Phases of Grief

Strategies for Understanding and Coping

with Grief

⇒ Section 8. Impulsive Behavior

Understanding Your Impulsivity

Anger Management

Anger Triggers Diary

Suicide Control

Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

Sexual Behavior Management

What Triggers Your Explosive Behavior?

Expressive Writing

Write, Write, Write

⇒ Section 9. Communication Issues

Understanding Your CommunicaWon Issues

The Art of Taking

The Art of Listening

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t

How Do You Deal with Conflicts?

⇒ Section 10. Depersonalization

Understanding DepersonalizaWon

DepersonalizaWon QuesWonnaire

Treatment for DepersonalizaWon

Stay Grounded No Majer What


Selfie Diary

Vigorous Physical Activity

Bathroom Exercise

⇒ Section 11. Derealization

Understanding DerealizaWon

Describe Your DerealizaWon Experience

Check the Facts with Different Senses

Think Clearly

Section 12. Trust: The Turning Point

Understanding Trust

Thinking About Trust

Rebuilding Your Inner Trust

Did You U-Turn?

⇒ Section 13. R+, Resilient People

Understanding Resilience

Resilience Potential

Resilience Checkup

Four Strategies

The Road to R+

Recognize and Appreciate Your Resilience -L

Stretching Out of Your Comfort Zone – L

⇒ Section 14. Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG)


Key Areas of PTG

Post-TraumaWc Growth Inventory

Learned OpWmism

Seligman’s Method of Learned OpWmism: ABCD


ABCDE Journal

Spiritual Awareness –L

CreaWng a Personal Mission Statement –L

Developing Your Personal Mission Statement

Six Pillars of Character -L

Relying on Your Character Strengths - L

Understanding Your Signature Strengths -L


Laying Down Your Scaffolding: Part 1

Rate Your Self-Esteem

Laying Down Your Scaffolding: Part 2

Geqng Serious About

Assess Your Humor

Finding Joy and Balance in Your Life –L

The G.L.A.D. Technique

Learning to Be G.L.A.D.

Pursuing Happiness

CharacterisWcs of Happy People

Over to You

The “Happiness Habit”-L

Chart Your Happiness

Fostering Closeness in Your RelaWonships- L

Developing the Habit of Gratitude – L

Keeping Track of Your Gratitude Activities

Lejer of GraWtude

Discovering Creativity

Creative Awakening, CreaWve Growth

Stimulating Creativity: StimulaWng

External Factors

and much more

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Mental Health, Trauma Therapy, Ptsd Worksheet, Trauma Processing, Ptsd Workbook, Trauma Workbook, Journal Prompts, Trauma Journal, Cbt Anxiety Journal, Trauma Worksheet, Journal Printable, Trigger Processing, Therapy Tools, Journal printable,workbook printable,ptsd workbook,trauma workbook,Ptsd journal,trauma worksheet,ptsd worksheet,mental health,Cbt anxiety journal,Anger management,Ptsd processing,Trauma processing,trigger processing

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266 pages
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PTSD Fillable & printable Processing Workbook Journal, PTSD Fillable pdf download, Trauma/PTSD workbook, Complex Ptsd Counseling workbook Inactive

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